Sitemap - 2022 - Actuarial Tutor

Explaining what actuaries do...(again)

Statistical Santa

Just one more drink...

Actuaries trying to enjoy life...

One for all the IFoA students out there...

The colouring actuary?

I've just started...

Shots fired!

Happy Friday!

It's not too late!

An actuary? Is that like...

New actuarial comedy book

The secret is...

Did you hear about the actuary that wrote to the lonely heart club?

Actuarial Halloween costume

Why aren't endowment assurance plans very talkative?

What do men and Excel have in common?

Meme and book bonus code

A student meme

What's in the box?

I want to qualify sooner...

Batman's nemesis - the actuarial joker

Actuarial bed-time thoughts #1

An actuarial welcome...

The well-prepared student

Bad actuarial takes...

Red or the blue pill?


When I tell people I'm an actuary...

You have my sword...

The Queen is a closet actuary...

Risk management for beginners #2

What gives actuaries feelings of power #2

How actuaries celebrate the hottest day of the year...

Actuaries celebrating exam results..

The Actuarial Joke Book cover reveal

Psychic or actuary

This little maneuver...

This made me laugh

LOTR actuarial meme

Actuaries and their personal space

Working on the hottest day of the year

The Queen's Jubilee meme #1

Actuarial mountains

The perfect house does not exis....

Joke competition #1

Non-office time

Teaching student actuaries...

Unsuspecting maths graduates...

Actuaries & accountants

What really happens at actuarial training sessions...

I'm sorry...what?

Work life balance #2

Student actuaries post exams...

Actuaries celebrating

A little Excel joke...

Student queries

April 2022 Exams


Actuarial networking

Actuarial Gollum

Sorry, I just had to use this meme format...

Becoming an actuary...

An actuary's idea of heaven...

I have a confession...

Actuaries in the morning

Perfectly balanced...

Wake up call

Actuaries...with a sense of humour?

I'm a Bayesian

Shots fired...

May the force...

What gives actuaries feelings of power?

St Valentine's Day Poem

Actuarial Pickup lines #1

Everywhere I go...

Actuarial groundhog day

Happy Monday

Happy Friday

Newton's 3rd Law of Modelling

Actuarial Star Wars...

Actuarial Princess Bride meme

Basis points

Show your working out...

The 5 stages of becoming an actuary

A meme inspired by my teaching yesterday...

Nobody cares about actuaries...

So much for working...

2022 hope for actuaries